Wednesday, November 4, 2009

brief and incomplete update

It's been a long while since I've posted to this blog, but I guess it would be a good idea to do that now. I'm watching Aladdin to ease my stress of the moment. I'm getting married in 4 days and I'm somehow not avoiding the stesses that accompany wedding planning. We are moving back to Idaho shortly after the wedding as we have an apartment there, but no where to live here. I will start working back at my job at the resort as soon as I get home.
In the meantime, Zach is still working on a couple projects that will hopefully reach a stopping point before we go. His F-350 needed a lot of work (as in a lot, a lot) and is being just about equally traded out for the work he's doing. I am thinking we are still coming out on top, but only by a little bit. Financial stresses are the norm, I suppose, and when you combine two people, it doesn't always make for a greater income balance, especially when I quit my job to stay here for the two months before the wedding.
I'm excited to just be married, move to our own apartment and start our new life. I have loved being home, especially with my nieces and nephew, but not having a regular job, routine or a car is getting old and stressful. Mom pointed out the other day that I'm not doing any of the things that generally energize me, which is true. Working, interacting with new people everyday; having freedom; being alone, enjoying my time with my music;.... I'm getting tired here now. Only 4 more days.
Yay for getting married!


  1. Your unhappiness to be in Des Moines definitely showed and was rude to the people who took the time to talk to you and attend your shower and wedding. If you want to be a missionary, you could at least start by being attentive and kind to the people right in front of you whether you think them worthy of your time or not.

    Why so prominently post the multiple photos of you in your various swimsuits on your site? You had lots of other great photos of the two of you that would have worked as well...

  2. You should have more grace for people, she had a lot going on. Im sure she didn't mean to be rude, there were thirty women at the shower and little time, same with the wedding. The pictures- we didn't have any better pics at that time, are good pics were taken a week before the wedding, we didn't have time to change them. grow up! with love Zach.R

  3. I know that she was very stressed out during that time, as her blog indicated. I would suggest encouraging her in a Godly way and then gently addressing her in a private, personal, and loving manner about her actions that hurt you. Anything that seemed hurtful was certainly not intentional and the way it was addressed in this situation was not edifying.

  4. Would the anonymous "coward" please stand up!!!
    I think it's a matter of always thinking the best about people and not looking to be offended.
    I would also think this would be very hurtful and unproductive for a friendship in the future.

    Alissa, We are truly excited on whatever journey God has for your life together with Zach.
    Aasta Smith
    p.s. I wonder if this person went to the wedding with such objections?
