Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
It's gonna be a white christmas!
We finally really have snow now, and I cannot begin to tell you how beautiful it is. There was a couple inches on the ground that had gathered over the last week, but Saturday night a storm rolled in and it’s still going. By storm, I mean gentle, but persistent falling snow. We got about a foot throughout the day yesterday, and it’s not letting up today. The mountains are covered, the evergreens heavy with snow, just like a picture perfect winter wonderland. I will post pictures when I can. My internet can’t quite handle that right now.
The resort will be busy this week, and people will be so happy now to have snow to ski and snowboard. Once the snow rolled it, the change of energy was tangible....people get more friendly and are happy. It’s great.
I stayed the night at Kaylee’s last night, because I’m going to use her kitchen to do some prep work for Christmas Eve dinner and I knew I wouldn’t be able to drive anywhere in my car today. I still need to get into town for a couple things, but there is a great free bus system to get me anywhere I need to go, including all the way back to my dorm if need be. I haven’t ridden it yet, but will today.
One of the things I miss the most now that I’m in the dorms is the lack of a kitchen. As Christmas drew closer, I missed it more and decided that I needed to cook a dinner, so....several of us single people are going to gather for Christmas Eve dinner (at either Kaylee’s or Daniel’s) before we all head to a crazy busy night of work. Then we will meet again Christmas day for a small brunch, before another night of work.
I am tackling quite a bit of stuff, but I have all day today, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning to accomplish it all. I am planning on making a couple of pies and cream cheese bars for dessert; and for the main entree: pork loin, green bean casserole and mashed potatoes. I will leave the bread to someone else. I have never done a pork loin before, so I’m a little nervous about how that will turn out, but the rest should be a breeze.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
..and so it goes
This week starts our ‘busy’ season. We now have music every night, and beginning in a few days, even every afternoon. I will be working 8 out of 9 days running, something for which I am grateful. I will be working full time hours, but all at night, so I will still pretty much have my days free for whatever, including skiing soon, hopefully.
Up until this point, I have only really worked with four other people - Kaylee, (my manager/bartender), Daniel, my night bartender, Jan, the day bartender and Joe, the other cocktail server and occasional bartender. I have met several of the other gals who will be working alongside me during the busy season, but only in passing, but that will change this week.
I have spent some time hanging out with Kaylee and Daniel over the last week, and feel a little more connected, like I’m making some friends.
I enjoy the job when I am busy, and I enjoy the staff and most of the regulars that take up our time when we have no other customers. Live music is nice too. We have several groups that play...a couple pianists, some that sing, a jazz trio or two. I really like the lounge atmosphere here. The Duchin Lounge is affectionately known as the ‘Wrinkle Room’ since it is primarily frequented by the over 50 crowd, although we have had our fair share of young wedding party groups as well. I start bartending one day a week this week, which will be fun, and good experience. It’s nice to do something so different from what I have mostly done in my past work experience.
I don’t know when I will get around to skiing, seeing as I have to get some equipment first, though employee rentals are pretty reasonable. I found some ski pants at the thrift store, and Sarah supplied me with warm under layers and a ski jacket, so I’m really only in need of gloves, a good hat and the actual skis, boots and bindings. (Or snowboarding stuff - I’ve got people encouraging me that direction too. :-) )
I can’t believe Christmas is so close already. It’s always amazing to me how fast time flies - the older I get the faster it passes.
We finally got some snow - about 4inches over about 3 days, so it’s looking more like I had expected of this place, though it’s still minimal. The weather channel has predicted snow for the next 9 out of 10 days, but I have yet to see them be anywhere near accurate, so we shall see.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New Things in My life
Saturday, December 6, 2008
A good blog to read
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Day off Update
I had a decent night last night at work, though it certainly wasn’t busy. I am looking forward to when it is, because even when it’s not busy for the majority of the night, I tend to make pretty good money in the last 2 hours of work or so. Soon it will be busy all day/night, at least that’s what they tell me. :-)
I have the day off today and have actually been pretty productive, which I am glad of. I have read, made a bank deposit, created drawer spacers to keep my stuff more organized, finished paperwork for work, mailed something off, and am at Tully’s now taking care of my online things. I plan on reading a little more tonight and working on my knitting project, while maybe catching up on messages from Des Moines Fellowship.
I miss Julianna like crazy these days. We had a good long conversation the other day on the phone. Till then she hasn’t talked to me much when we get on the phone. But the other day we had a real conversation about all kinds of things. When we finished, she made sure she told me she loved and missed me. She said it twice to be sure I heard her. Anne mentioned that earlier that morning, Juli had asked if they could ‘stop by and see Liss’ on their way to the store. Then she told Anne to invite me over for the day. It makes my heart hurt, I miss her so much.
Even with the travel bug in me, I have a peace about coming home to stay. I know I will be back home for good. I always come home. I can’t imagine leaving for good. I can do short term away, but I think I will always return home.
People here keep telling me how they came for a season and have been here for years now. I may stay longer than originally planned (they say the money is as good or better in the summer working banquets and such), but I don’t think I could stay long term. I feel like I’m supposed to buy a house in Des Moines. That still hasn’t changed since July ’07. I’m not sure when that will happen, but it’s still my long term goal, and even being here is working towards that. No promises about exactly when, but I will be home again.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Making Choices
I have been thinking a lot in the last couple weeks about how I will live my life while I’m here in Idaho. I have a choice to live either in growing in greater intimacy with Christ, or apathetically, which would result in growing away from him. This choice has to be made wherever I go/am, but I am just really aware of it now. I have moved up here, have started something new, and have time on my hands.
A week ago, I spent 6 hours watching TV in my dorm room, because I didn’t know what to do around town. Or, to be more honest, I was afraid of going out to do something alone, or that would take a lot of energy. I am lazy. I don’t want to be, and there are a number of things to do in the area to keep me fully occupied.
I could choose to take my free time and delve into prayer and time spent with Jesus. As much as I know that and so much of me wants that, it is still so hard to make that choice. Why is that? Why is the pull of doing nothing stronger than the desire to know Jesus more? How can that be?
I come back to James 4:8, though, and remind myself that God promises that when I draw near to Him, He WILL draw near to me. I don’t have to go the whole way - He meets me when I make the smallest step. That is such a wonderful relief and a great invitation to make a move toward Him.
I know my life and purpose here in Sun Valley is different than most of the people I meet. The Holy Spirit dwells within me and shines through me all the time, even when I’m not aware, or when I feel I’m failing. What then would He be able to do through me if I gave more of my time to knowing Him?
I was thinking the other day about what to say when people talk to me about ‘religious’ stuff or about my beliefs. I don’t like to simply say, “I’m a Christian” because that statement is made by many who don’t know Jesus, and there are tons of people who have been very negatively affected by “Christians.” Instead, I thought...I will say that I just love and know Jesus, and want to be like Him. But I realized in a moment of what felt like great revelation that even that’s not the fullest truth.
The truth that makes the difference in me is that I know that HE loves and knows ME, not the other way around. I know and love Him a little and I do want to be like Him, but those things only come from knowing that I am loved by Him. I am one born into sin, a human with no hope of perfection or redemption without Jesus, just like every person every born into this world. But I have become aware the God loves me, and that I have been made perfect, forgiven of my failings and my sin. Because of that, I no longer have to live in fear of failing, or of falling short. I will fail and sin, which unfortunately usually causes pain for me and often times other people, but nevertheless, I am forgiven by the One who is perfect and sinless.
But back to the thought at the beginning. What choices will I make over the next few months? Will I choose to walk in obedience like a free person, or will I make decisions that come from a mindset still stuck in slavery to sin and laziness? The choice is always looming for me. One day, I make the good choice, and the next, the other one. Right now, in this moment, I pray for the strength to make the choice of obedience more often, till it becomes my habit. I want people to not simply notice that I’m a little different, but I wan them to really see Jesus.
The quotes from Andrew Shearman need to be printed and posted for me to see everyday, as so much of what he says encourages my heart and mind to do what’s right. I don’t want to waste anymore of my time or life, regardless of where I am or what I am doing.
Andrew Shearman Quotes - READ THESE!!!
"If you have already got to "thank you" don't go back to please."
"You have been as holy and loving today as you decided to be"
"Shutup, get up and go!"
"You need a red hot heart, an ice cold brain, fire in your belly and steel in your backbone."
"Take responsibility for the impression you give. Take responsibility for the impression they take."
"Put Christ on. Choose until it becomes a habit and you become who you ARE! A lifetime of good habits will keep you alive."
"Rise up man/woman of God!"
"There is a man/woman sent by God and his/her name is _______"
"My name is ________ and I am God's voice on planet earth and I have something to say and I am going to say it."
"God's word in your mouth is the same as God's word in his mouth so speak it out."
"You have chain breaking, mountain moving, prison door opening, deliverance bringing, death to life words in your mouth."
"You have the power of life and death on your tongue. Speak Life."
"If you are not under authority you have no authority."
"We win this thing!"
"Don't worry about doing. BE. It is all about being. If you are living as you were created, God with skin on, your life would be brilliant."
"Be done with yourself!"
"You need to get to the place where you don't want to go anywhere else then with God."
"Gotta work it. No more easy pickings. Move the obstacles out of the way. Kill some giants and be self sufficient in Christ."
"You were created to turn chaos into Eden."
"This is not whistling Dixie."
"You deserve what you tolerate. Do something about it."
"You can't sin enough to make God stop loving you."
"The number one reason you are on planet earth is to BE LOVED by God."
"Some of you have been so busy chasing God that you forgot that God is chasing you."
"This is about the house. Whose is the house?"
"Heaven is not the destination. You've already got heaven, the eternal DNA of God living inside of you. You are a daughter/son of the living God. The destination is the King of the Kingdom of the living God."
"I am the keeper of God's dream."
"The more like Christ I am the more like ________ I am."
"The devil has no weapons. The devil only has words, arguments and pretensions."
"Are we really going to get the resources to build the house, or are we going to stay in Egypt making bricks?"
"You will either die, or be killed. Choose to die."
"Hollywood's lie is to make you think you could have a life of adventure without risk."
"It takes rocket fuel to go against gravity. You can live a long time on diesel, coasting through life or you can really LIVE."
"You only learn when you don't know."
"If your always going to think through the same knowledge pattern, you'll never learn anything new."
"If your dead you can't be killed."
"You have to be dead to be free, you have to be free to choose to be a slave."
"Fear causes men's hearts to fail them."
"Commit your whole life to the journey. Walk off the map into uncertainty."
"Your better off a sinner being made righteous then remaining innocent."
"There is no plan B." We are the best plan God ever had."
"Don't compromise when God has spoken to you."